So I ask you…..

Lets have a little chat yeah? Grab a coffee, hell grab some wine. We are going for a walk down a lane; memory lane. George Santayana was quoted as once saying, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.
Throughout history we have at each time period had a war or a movement, all shaping the people of that time and their children.

Now I ask are we the condemned? Have we closed the doors of our mind? Through the blindness of our ego we have forgotten the present and real fight. Our idea of individualism is tainted, we misplaced power in the idea of this individualism as what will save us. What if that energy source was focused and channeled into an interconnected society and consciousness?
Lets not let the fights of the past, the lessons, the warnings be dried ink on a page of a dusty book.
I say fuck pro-feminism, fuck anti-feminism, fuck religion, fuck labels, fuck imaginary geographical boarders, fuck money, fuck race, fuck heterosexuality, fuck homosexuality, fuck gender. Our movement? To wake up, change, grow and evolve to the wonder and greatness that we are collectively as beings on this spinning sphere. There is a fire in our hearts, a hole yet to be filled. We are too smart to be this stupid, delusional, and indifferent. That my friends is the only fight and we are worth fighting for.

Imagewill you remain (if you are), as a conditioned drone, floating about your existence, perpetuating the cycle of ignorance, or will you rise to your true conscious self, and all of us stand united?

2 responses to “So I ask you…..

  • April

    And fuck those metal cans you have to open with the usless little keys welded to the side. No cunt invented those! (Love you Missy)

    • laceymacpherson

      You know as well as I do that it was a,”Cocksucker” ( clearly as typing that i hear it in your classic and hilarious adamant,yet adorable voice) that invented those demonic things. Love you too:) ❤

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